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我是歌手2半决赛张杰火星哥Bruno Mars阿卡贝拉《just the way you are》中文歌词

收藏 打印 时间:2014年3月28日 21:09 来源: 真人娱乐    发布者:天外飞仙

綜藝秀'`ptl _4J9Y#p`"b0真人网3月28日 张杰《我是歌手20140328》卖萌:我的可爱是有杀伤力的 《Just the way you are皆应是你》真人網真人秀 Reality ShowT!p1Q;U&b'FwO/it

綜藝秀v CFyge4m0经过三个多月的音乐厮杀,《我是歌手2》终于进入决赛阶段。在日前结束的半决赛录制中,张杰一改往日西装革履造型大走卖萌路线,一身可爱装束直逼“火星哥”Bruno Mars,更笑称“可爱”是自己的杀手锏,活泼逗趣的模样让工作人员也忍俊不禁。真人網真人秀 Reality Show%e~0n%Z9IQI

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綜藝秀+G0hm#W-]3N3UG~X0 真人網真人秀 Reality Show?h1o+w"E d8t

Oh her eyes, her eyes哦,她的眼睛真人網真人秀 Reality ShowZ5L0\0t3uy9s
Make the stars look like they're not shining让星星看起来失去光泽真人網真人秀 Reality ShowO9b;vF:PV y
Her hair, her hair她的头发,她的头发真人網真人秀 Reality Show4cb,|#@-ULL;Q
Falls perfectly without her trying不须整理完美般的垂落
綜藝秀{d X"[w'B0She's so beautiful她是如此美丽真人網真人秀 Reality ShowO/[Q(D2Z\IV
And I tell her every day我每天都告诉她真人網真人秀 Reality Show/?uL_8d l+v4Il7f
Yeah I know I know是的,我知道我知道
綜藝秀6y!nf q~Y5\0w0When I compliment her当我赞美她真人網真人秀 Reality Show2M{*gY5^#uZ6u
She won't believe me她不会相信我真人網真人秀 Reality Show3DN t&|,|Q$T+Lw,rG
And its so, its so即使如此真人網真人秀 Reality Show,FSW K(oH
Sad to think she don't see what I see她也会因为没有看到我所看到所感到遗憾真人網真人秀 Reality Show*A F#?wbPx
But every time she asks me do I look okay但每一次她问我我漂亮么
綜藝秀P2Z!E\Y@s0I say我都会说真人網真人秀 Reality Show&Z6? `z7eI
When I see your face当我看到你的脸
綜藝秀-Qp;Drc+K+C0There's not a thing that I would change你的一切都是如此完美,无可改变
綜藝秀|Xt!y;?Q*@0Cause you're amazing你是如此的美丽真人網真人秀 Reality Show zar0]0A9}
Just the way you are皆应是你真人網真人秀 Reality Show\g7Q5~*ZS!`a6p
And when you smile,当你微笑真人網真人秀 Reality Showy8O0kRd
The whole world stops and stares for a while整个世界都会为你停止和凝视了真人網真人秀 Reality Show(T6o8dzI1iJE
Cause girl you're amazing因为你是如此美丽

綜藝秀K*fv dY&so0

綜藝秀B#SWvJ U&n8X0Just the way you are皆应是你

綜藝秀 m3x,}"Xqe5S0 真人網真人秀 Reality ShowH t%J!j{ q*z

Her nails, her nails她的指甲,她的指甲真人網真人秀 Reality Show:y8\F%sb+uoF t+q
I could kiss them all day if she'd let me如果她愿意让我,我可以亲吻他们整天
綜藝秀 i#U2G#~?] r(i0Her laugh, her laugh她的微笑真人網真人秀 Reality Show }3~K;f-Q B&?_
She hates but I think it’s so sexy她不喜欢但我觉得它是如此性感真人網真人秀 Reality ShowV\$sr3E B7u
She's so beautiful她是如此美丽
綜藝秀T;df8b1t0And I tell her every day我每天告诉她真人網真人秀 Reality Show CLUh#rpc7s1Z
Oh you know, you know, you know哦,你知道
綜藝秀$U"UQVT0I'd never ask you to change我从来没有要求你改变真人網真人秀 Reality Showog-sVB-@G
If perfect is what you're searching for如果完美是你要追寻的,真人網真人秀 Reality Showzq,?-F/th1s m8M;X
Then just stay the same那就什么也不要改变真人網真人秀 Reality Showo C e W`q
So don't even bother asking你甚至不用屡次来问我真人網真人秀 Reality Show(@(V ?&`Y2b1C9A
If you look okay如果你觉得ok
綜藝秀j8V%zi.`X1e$Z0You know I say 那就ok咯 真人網真人秀 Reality Showp3|"d3s A'm6Xvz

綜藝秀/vB MJ-UiC+hA0When I see your face当我看到你的脸
綜藝秀"q`6wOj"[$F:B0There's not a thing that I would change你的一切都是如此完美,无可改变真人網真人秀 Reality Showll8FgI8zQ5g
Cause you're amazing你是如此的美丽真人網真人秀 Reality ShowboR o N0Y:V6^+i$E
Just the way you are皆应是你真人網真人秀 Reality Show_G-o"\T(qd|
And when you smile,当你微笑
綜藝秀 K|pq)gBw0The whole world stops and stares for a while整个世界都会为你停止和凝视了
綜藝秀g!W-`!V7A8t0Cause girl you're amazing因为你是如此美丽真人網真人秀 Reality Show5C iS V:o] B$L

真人網真人秀 Reality Showe$aB3?@3f5T

Just the way you are皆应是你(重复)

綜藝秀Cv*@Lr0 真人網真人秀 Reality ShowL*{xhW"Kd}Jk @

When I see your face当我看到你的脸
綜藝秀rc xU(o|!D"f Qs0There's not a thing that I would change你的一切都是如此完美,无可改变
綜藝秀o#o ~ qm5m*M\ES0Cause you're amazing你是如此的美丽
綜藝秀@ A4l_2y b"B;B0Just the way you are皆应是你
綜藝秀;o$w E%|3hW(] pyx0And when you smile,当你微笑
綜藝秀0E&eR e9M0The whole world stops and stares for a while整个世界都会为你停止和凝视了
綜藝秀] k7Zh1E ^:Y9Xni0Cause girl you're amazing因为你是如此美丽

綜藝秀6N)p)^MEz%X%rC l0

綜藝秀 dnB"j4Ux8dd `0Just the way you are皆应是你

綜藝秀F3oS]G0 真人網真人秀 Reality ShowL!K,P,xjq:^ C

yeah~真人網真人秀 Reality Show.Of:~mSW


内容来源于真人网我是歌手2半决赛张杰火星哥Bruno Mars阿卡贝拉《just the way you are》中文歌词转载请注明出处:真人网,谢谢!

TAG: 湖南卫视 张杰 我是歌手





